Positive Qualities Of A Mack

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Positive qualities of a mackIt’s easy for us to identify the good qualities of others. If we asked you, you could probably tell us which of your friends have a hilarious sense of humor, which ones have the best fashion sense, which are the most talented, which have a good head for business, and so on. You are keenly aware of the positive characteristics of the people close to you. But when it comes to ourselves, most of us have a hard time identifying the positives. If someone were you ask you “What are your three best qualities?,” you might have a hard time answering truthfully. It’s difficult to answer that question without sounding like you’re boasting.

Instead, most guys would rather deflect the question with a joke. This is because we often have a hard time looking at themselves and honestly acknowledging our best, or most unique, qualities. Some guys have even convinced themselves that there’s nothing extraordinary about them.

The result is that a lot of guys, every time they see a very attractive woman, have already subconsciously convinced themselves “I’m not good enough for her,” or “she’s out of my league.” These guys assume that beautiful women require certain things that they don’t have to offer, and that approaching her would be futile.

What you must remember is that women are programmed differently than men are. On a biological, primal level, they’re seeking a mate, a father to their 38 children, a man who can provide security. You have Alpha traits within yourself that cater to these needs, and these qualities are ultimately of much greater importance than having bulging biceps or a Ferrari in the garage. You just need to learn how to communicate them to women effectively.

What you need to do right now, as a Mack-In-Training, is identify your own positives. Once you have recognized them, you can develop them and begin showcasing them in your conversations with women. This means taking “self inventory.” You are going to conduct an honest examination of yourself so that you identify your own strengths and interests. Imagine a new coach being brought in to run an NFL team. Before he starts cutting players, signing free agents, and whipping his team into shape, he needs to go through the roster, player by player, and see what he’s working with.

In this situation, you are your own coach. You’re going to examine your locker room, see what kind of talent you’ve got, and start building a winning franchise.

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