Pick-Up Lines vs. Intros

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Mack tacticsAsk the average guy what’s stopping him from approaching that slamming chick across the room, and his answer will probably be along the lines of, “I don’t know what to say to her.” It’s that opening movie, the ice breaker, that paralyze him from taking action.

There are a million bad “pick-up lines” out there; most of them are so corny that they’re not meant to be taken seriously. Some of the more clever ones might make her chuckle, but the conversation usually won’t go much farther than that. In her mind, when you use an obvious pick-up line you’ve just joined the pack of five hundred other guys who have tried to approach her and crapped out. So, how do you make your opening move? The simplest way to “meet” her is to make eye contact with her from across the room and flash her a friendly smile. If you’re having a drink, raise your glass to her and smile before taking a sip. If she smiles back, the door is open. This way, when you eventually approach her (or position yourself near her), you’ve already met in a sense.

But wait to make that move. Don’t make a beeline for her the moment she returns your eye contact and smile. The Mack is never in a hurry to work his magic and style.

Introduce Yourself

When it comes to starting the encounter, some so-called experts say you shouldn’t tell her your name right off the bat. They claim that you should say hello, but wait until she tells you her name before you give up yours. If she does offer her name, their theory goes, you then know that she is genuinely interested in knowing you. Then you proceed from there.   This is a defeatist attitude. You’re waiting for the go-ahead instead of taking command. Whenever a Mack steps to a girl, he knows he is the one running the show. He never comes off cocky or arrogant, but is confident in the knowledge that he’s the one dictating how the encounter will proceed.   When dealing with women you’re trying to build a relationship with, never for permission. When you ask for permission, you’re giving her the option of saying “no.” You also want to maintain a sense of control; maintain the attitude that you’re letting her be a part of your world, not hoping to be apart of hers.

Tell her your name, look her in the eye and smile, and shake her hand. We call this the “three-point intro.” This is the single greatest way to convey your selfconfidence.

“Hi, my name is Dean. I noticed your outfit you look great tonight, Just wanted to tell you that.”


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