Guiding The Conversation

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mack tacticsLook for ways to guide or control the conversation towards your positive qualities. You want to mention them without lingering on them; the idea is to “plant seeds” rather than blab about yourself.   Travel is an excellent topic to move the conversation towards. If you’ve seen some interesting parts of the world, talking about it makes you seem worldly, sophisticated and adventurous all qualities that women like. A man who travels is a man who can take her places.   To get on the subject of travel, simply wait for an opening, then slip in sentence that references one of your travel experiences.   For example:   Her: “So do you like your job?”   You: “I love what I do, but I’m so looking forward to getting back to Italy when I take my next vacation. I’ve visited a lot of countries but Italy is my favorite, I’ll have to show you my pictures sometime…”

You are now off the topic of jobs a subject that naturally elevates our stress levels and moved onto the exciting subject of international travel.

You get to tell her about your experiences in an exotic destination. (If you spent the whole time getting wasted and chasing women, omit those details.)Talk about the interesting things you saw, the food, the funny details you noticed about the culture. Spark her imagination. Paint the picture. Allow her to visualize it.   Keep it brief, hit the high points, and make it clear how much you love traveling and mention the places you plan to visit in the future. She’ll bethinking about what it would be like to join you.

mack tacticsIf you haven’t visited any exciting foreign cities or countries, it means you need to do some Mack Preparation before your next mission. Think of some places you’d love to visit someday, the more exotic the better. Research them on the Internet.

Learn some facts and background.   The next time you’re in mid-conversation with a female, you say “I’m thinking about buying a ticket to (insert country), I hear it’s beautiful this time of year.

Have you ever done that just bought a plane ticket on a whim, and gone somewhere totally different?”   The basic effect is the same. You’re establishing that you’re not like most guys; you’re worldly, spontaneous, and want to experience other places and cultures.

Her brain registers this. You’ve placed yourself in a category above the average unsophisticated guy, most of whom don’t even own a passport.

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