From Wack to Mack

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As you converse, use Creative Phrasing to put a spin on other cliché questions. A generic question when you’re chatting with a girl would be, “So what kind of music do you like?” In response to a generic question, she’ll probably give a generic answer: “I don’t know…I like all kinds.” Lame question, even lamer answer, and you’ve made absolutely no forward progress. Instead, give the question an original spin by incorporating it into a quick story:

“You know those contests they have on the radio where they ask a trivia question, and if you call in and answer it, you win a pair of concert tickets? Today they were giving away front-row tickets to (insert your favorite band). I must have called 50 times trying to get through! No luck. Let me ask you, if you could win front-row tickets to see any concert, who would you want to see?” If she answers with an artist/band that you also love, then great you’ve got a subject to talk about that gets her enthusiastic.

If you’re in a nightclub, the creatively phrased question might be, “If I could get the DJ to play one song right now, what would you want to hear?” The following are some other examples of weak questions (Wack Tactics), followed by a way to phrase them creatively (Mack Tactics). You will also see that creative questions can accomplish several goals at once. Just remember to always have your own answers ready to go. Once she gives her answer to a question you ask, be prepared to give your own, and explain why. Never make an inquiry that you are not prepared to answer for yourself in an interesting way.

Here’s another example of Wack phrasing, versus Creative phrasing:

WACK TACTIC: “Have you seen any good movies lately?”

MACK TACTIC: “My buddy Mike called me today to get my opinion on something. He’s about to have his second date with a girl he likes, and he invited her to his apartment to cook dinner for her. Now he needs to figure out what movie he should rent for them to watch together. Something funny and romantic. What would you suggest?”

Talking about her favorite romantic movie is guaranteed to get her smiling and experiencing positive memories. Then tell her about the movie you were thinking of suggesting, and briefly explain why it’s one of your all-time favorites. Take it to the next level by using this topic to “plant seeds” about your own positive qualities.

Another example of this:

WACK TACTIC: “So what kind of food do you like?”

MACK TACTIC: “I have to arrange a birthday dinner for my friend Melissa and I’m trying to find someplace different that none of us have tried yet. What’s the last really good restaurant you went to around here?”

mack tacticsThis question opens the door for you to then talk about your own favorite restaurants. Establish that you’re a guy who appreciates good food and good service. If you like exotic cuisine, even better it shows that you have broader horizons than the average guy.

Here’s the bonus tip: once you know a restaurant that she loves, you can use it as a suggestion when you eventually take her on a date. She’ll be impressed that you remembered it. Most guys wouldn’t.

Creatively phrased questions force her to think and respond in a genuine way. Remember that effective conversation means connecting with her on a one-on-one level.

You’re getting to know things about her, and she’s getting to know things about you but only the things you are allowing her to know.



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