Using Minimal Encouragers

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mack tacticsAs you converse, you’re letting her do much of the talking. Resist the urge to jump in and start telling her what you think.

Instead, use Minimal Encouragers are technique used by Hostage Negotiators to keep things flowing.

Some examples of Minimal Encouragers are:
• “Wow, it seems like we’re really on the same page. Tell me
• “I was thinking exactly the same thing.”
• “I feel the same way. We definitely have some things in
• “That’s an interesting concept. Tell me how you came up with it.”
• “Is that right?”
• “How did that make you feel?”

Women deeply appreciate a man who listens and empathizes. As she tells you more about herself, and you acknowledge and appreciate what she’s saying, it reinforces the bridge you’re building between the two of you.

Every time you agree with something she says, or tell her you feel “the same way,” you make her feel good and give her ego a little boost.   When you give her validation, she’s going to crave more of it. The more interested and thoughtful you seem, the more thoughtful she will be with her answers. She’ll be trying to impress you, whereas normally it’s the guy who is in the position of talking (rather than listening) and trying to say all the right things and lines.

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