Talking Dirty With Women

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mack tacticsSome guys think it’s OK to talk about sex with girls they’ve just met. They steer the conversation towards sex, or make sexual comments in an attempt to be funny and “spice up” the convo. Other guys think that talking about sex implies they have a lot of experience in the bedroom, and that women will find this alluring.

Women are generally not interested or impressed by this type of talk. More likely, they’ll think it’s crude and juvenile. (Besides, guys who hook up on a regular basis don’t need to talk about it.)

But you can get her mind on sensual, erotic thoughts. The key is to do it in a clever, “invisible” way. As the conversation progresses, test the waters to see how receptive she is to talking about sexual topics. Scan the room: do you see any couples kissing or dirty dancing? If so, direct her attention to the couple and ask her with a smile, “What do you think about them doing that in a public place?”

When Girls Uses Baiting Questions

If she has no problem with it or even better, is intrigued by it then the door is open for you to touch on other sexual topics. Roll with it. Here are a couple of ways to inject sexuality into the convo:

•     Ask her how she defines the word “sexy.” After she answers, tell her that in your opinion, sexiness isn’t about how someone looks on the surface it’s about confidence and attitude. Women like this answer.

Few women are totally confident in their appearance, but all women like to believe they have confidence and a good attitude.

•     Ask her what she thinks is the sexiest part of her body. After she answers, tell her that you did notice that that part of her, but there is another body part that you find most appealing. This could be her eyes, teeth, hair, neck, her soft hands…there is no standard answer, though you should obviously not mention her breasts or butt. This type of unexpected compliment should flatter her, and show her that you find beauty in women for many different reasons.

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