Defining the Mack

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Before we go further, it’s important that we clarify our definition of a Mack. To some, the word conjures up images of a slick pimp in a fur coat and wide-brimmed hat, using his silver-tongued rap to get women to do his bidding. To others, the word suggests a sleazy pick-up artist, prowling for his next conquest. We define the modern Mack as a far more impressive and centered individual. He is a man who possesses confidence, charisma and style. He has a sixth sense when it comes to understanding women: what makes them tick, and what they truly want from men—not what society and the media have led us to believe they want. The Mack knows how to engage and stimulate women, mentally and sexually, and establish a connection with them through words and body language. He doesn’t need to use lies or deception. Confidence, knowledge and a strong mindset are his greatest assets.

More importantly, the Mack has knowledge of self. He’s in tune with his own strengths and vulnerabilities. He knows his strong qualities and how to highlight and capitalize on them. Conversely, he’s aware of the areas that can be improved, and works on bettering himself on a daily basis. And while even the most gifted Mack occasionally fails to connect with a woman, he never lets it faze him. Blows that would crush an average man’s confidence simply ricochet off the Mack’s armor. In fact, they make him stronger, since every encounter with a female yields valuable lessons.

More importantly, the Mack has knowledge of self. He’s in tune with his own strengths and vulnerabilities. He knows his strong qualities and how to highlight and capitalize on them. Conversely, he’s aware of the areas that can be improved, and works on bettering himself on a daily basis. And while even the most gifted Mack occasionally fails to connect with a woman, he never lets it faze him. Blows that would crush an average man’s confidence simply ricochet off the Mack’s armor. In fact, they make him stronger, since every encounter with a female yields valuable lessons.

While his powerful presence make him intriguing to women, he uses these skills to great effect with men as well. The Mack understands that life is a never-ending series of negotiations, whether you’re purchasing a car, asking for a raise, or working out your differences with a friend or family member. While routine daily challenges result in stress, frustration and depression for the average man, the Mack’s attitude and interpersonal skills enable him to navigate these obstacles and accomplish the mission at hand.

For the Mack, there are no such thing as problems. There are only challenges, which he tackles and solves using Tactical methods. Also be aware that Mack status doesn’t necessarily mean you’re young, buff, or born with traditionally handsome looks. Donald Trump? Mack. Bill Clinton? Ultra-Mack. Tony Soprano? Without question, a Mack—not a traditionally handsome guy (and a violent sociopath, in fact), but back when The Sopranos was the hottest show on TV, you’d be surprised how many women found his hyper-masculine onscreen persona incredibly sexy.

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