Conversational Dominance: The Art of Talking to Women

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talking to womenThe conversation should begin with a Dominant Approach. The pickup artist and guru “Mystery” teaches a principle called “The Three Second Rule” that dictates that when you see a woman you want to meet, you should approach her within three seconds. Always.

The logic behind this is that you want to make your move before any anxiety or nervousness sets in.

I usually don’t move this fast. I like to take a few moments to gather some quick Intell.

I watch her and notice details. Is there something about her appearance that I can use to initiate the conversation?

Maybe she’s wearing an interesting piece of jewelry, or is carrying a cool purse, or has a tattoo, or is wearing a hip pair of glasses or sunglasses. It can be anything that is even the slightest bit out of the ordinary.

If she’s with friends, I watch her body language and how she interacts with them. Is she the “leader of her tribe,” the one that the others are watching and listening to? Or is she blending into the background?

This is important Intell for when you use “Cold Reads” later, when you’re talking to her. These are observations that you make about a person, that make them think that you’re extremely perceptive and understand their personality.

Starting conversations with women isn’t difficult, but maintaining their interest is. When interacting with the opposite sex, most guys run out of steam before they even get going. They introduce themselves without even trying to use a creative conversation starter, babble a bunch of random statements, and endure the painful awkward silences that follow.

Does this sound familiar to you? The good news is that talking to women doesn’t have to be burdensome, and in truth, it can be a lot of fun! The trick to catching and keeping a girl’s interest is simple…listen. Most guys waste so much energy worrying about what to say, but in reality, women’s answers to their questions could provide for ample conversation.

Be a Funny Guy

Unless you’ve been living under a rock your entire life, you should know that everyone especially women love being entertained. If you can make a girl laugh, you’re already on her good side. With that said, go into the dating scene with a few funny stories about your life, and find ways to share them with the women you’re approaching.

If you don’t think you have any funny stories, think again. Everybody can recall times in their past that were embarrassing or memorable, so make sure you have at least four of these tales to share with the women you approach. Being able to laugh at yourself will lighten the mood and build rapport with the opposite sex.

For your convenience, I’ve included the following format to help you craft a great story. You’re welcome. As you’ll notice, the setup is similar to what you’ll hear in a good joke:

• You are the main character.

• Make sure to demonstrate appealing character traits, such as confidence or courage.

• The tone of your story should be light and funny.

• See to it that the ending or “punch line” is interesting and memorable.

If you’re smart, you won’t improve these stories on the spot. Practice makes perfect, so take the time to perfect your storytelling prior to hitting the social scene. Try them out of family or friends, and see what they’re reactions are.

Go Fishing

Remember when I mentioned the importance of listening? If you keep your ears open while talking to a woman instead of just staring at her chest you can literally “fish” for additional topics of conversation.

Ask questions about her background, hobbies, or career, and use her answers to find a common ground with her. Not only will this demonstrate your compatibility with her, but it will show her that you’re genuinely interested.

If something she says lends itself to a funny story you have, all the better! The point is to be relatable to the women you approach, thereby building rapport with them. People are naturally drawn to others like them, and the more a woman feels like you understand her, the more she’ll be attracted to you.

Talking to women shouldn’t be a painful experience…if you know what you’re doing. By arming yourself with some good stories and an open ear, any woman will be putty in your hands. Practice these tips every time you hit the dating market, and say goodbye to awkward silences forever.


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