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Men are hardwired to feel attraction towards women who have a certain physical appearance, women have “attraction triggers” hardwired into them as well.

The good news is that women generally are not going to reject you as a possibility based on your looks. (You do, however, need to be well-groomed and appear to be healthy. If you obviously don’t take care of yourself, this lowers your reproductive value in the eyes of women.)

Your level of “attractive-ness” to a woman has to do with where she ranks you on the Male Dominance Scale.

I mentioned in my previous articles how famous men receive an automatic “high ranking.” But, most women never get the opportunity to hang out with celebrities, and so they’re not measuring you by those unreasonably high standards.

They are measuring you against the guys they typically encounter. And this is your chance to shine, because let’s face it, most guys have no idea how to project social dominance (in the correct way).

There is a reason why guys who work in bars and nightclubs as bouncers, doormen, or even bartenders get laid all the time. It’s because in their environment, women notice their social importance. All of the customers, even the big shot VIPs, want to be on a friendly basis with these guys. In nightclubs, the doorman literally have the power to decide which guys are “cool enough” to come inside (which then gives them the power to bang a lot of easily impressed women).

Again, I will assume that you don’t work as a nightclub bouncer, and you’ve never recorded a multi-platinum rock album or played in the NFL. So how do you project social dominance?

First, you become the leader of your tribe. Then you take it a step further by adopting a dominant attitude when you meet women and converse with them. You display massive confidence.

Two important points I need to make before we keep going:

1 – Do not assume (as most guys do) that confidence is something you are either born with, or will never possess. You can become an irresistibly confident man. How? By learning these skills, developing your game, and experiencing success. Success builds confidence.

When you learn the “bulletproof” way to get a girl’s phone number and you start getting phone numbers from women whenever you want to, you are naturally going to feel confident in your ability to approach a girl and get her number. Once you’re dating a hot woman, you’ll feel way more confident talking to other hot women. And as soon as you start sleeping with as many women as you can handle, you are hardly going to feel shy about chatting up that cute chick who is standing in line with you at the store!

You are going to start building massive self-confidence, and the best way to do this is to take it in small steps. Today, you might lack the confidence to strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman at a bar; a month from now, if you apply these methods, the question in your mind won’t be “I want to talk to her, but what should I say?”

The question will be, “Is that particular girl worthy of my attention? Because there are several hotties in this place that I could walk up and talk to right now.”

2 – When I talk about being “dominant” around women, this has nothing to do with being macho or aggressive. Your physical body type is irrelevant. (I have a buddy who stands five-foot-six and weighs 140 pounds soaking wet, but he is a total AMOG and everyone loves being around him and feeding off his energy.)

You can have a smile on your face the whole time, being super friendly and laidback, and still be completely dominant because you are controlling your interactions and conversations.

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