A Mackin’ State of Mind

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Mackin' state of mindYou’re going to create your personal mantra. Most Macks have at least one mantra that they go by. It could be an inspirational saying, a line from a movie, or a song lyric. Think of the unforgettable scene that opens the film Saturday Night Fever: John Travolta strutting down the street to the song “Staying Alive.” It’s one of the all-time great Mack Moments in cinematic history.

From now on, whenever you’re about to enter your Mack Zone, you’re going to conjure up a song or phrase in your mind and let it be the mental soundtrack to your success.

My pal the Negotiator likes to use one simple word: “Unstoppable.” When he walks into an environment where he knows he’ll be interacting with women, that’s the word that flashes through his brain psyching him up, telling him that there is no obstacle that can get between him and his goal. When he walks into a party, he projects an aura: now that he’s on the scene, the good times can officially start.

Now we want you to make up one for yourself. Find one that suits your personal style. Here are some examples of mantras:

“The World Is Mine.”

“Wherever I’m At Is the Place To Be.”

“Half Man, Half Amazing.”

“I’m the most interesting guy in the room.”

“Every girl in this place is just waiting to meet me.”

“I Can Do This.”

No one else needs to know your mantra. Consider this your personal “code word,” the one that instantly puts you in a Macking state of mind.







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